11 October, 2006

Illustration Friday: Trouble, v2

"Trouble," my second try. Black ink (rapidograph-style pen) on index card.

Date began: 11th October, 2006.
Date completed: 11th October, 2006.

Comments: I finished this one when I realized if I kept shading the thing, I would have made it a mess. So it ended up much lighter than my other works. Maybe I'm still feeling ill, but I do like this style. Very loose, casual, and still understandable. Though things appear unfinished, when you look at the whole, it seems done. Composition for this one is much more solid than the previous "trouble" entry. Maybe that's what 'makes' it for me. Plus, this one reminds me of recent history; interesting that I caught it in a picture.

this work protected by a creative commons license. more information is available on the main page.


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